The Colors of Wine

Red & White are the colors we commonly know when it comes to colors of wine. But how many of us actually know the true colors of our love? Yes, wine also has its very own Pantone shade card.

A particular color tone of wine tells you its age and a fair idea of its aftertaste, even before you give the bottle a mouth – to – mouth. WellI can hear the sighs! 

As a bottle of wine travels time, the levels of tannin and acid components tend to change, and this determines the colors of wine.

“Ask not what wine has done for you, but rather what you are willing to do for some wine”

Below is a ready reckoner for wine colors.  Write to us if you want to know more about wine


Color of Wine Chart by Wine Folly

Let’s Wine About It

Bottled wine is poetry” and when poetry is poured into a glass, it is ready to stimulate one’s intellectual curiosity. (Those who have a culture of wine will utter a silent ‘yes‘).

No matter how much we try and glorify scotch & champagne, make beer & cocktails look fun and young, there’s no denying the fact that to enjoy all about wine, one has to elevate all his senses to savor its journey from a bottle to his soul.

Wine, Sunset, Summer, Drink, Alcohol, Glass, Red, Sun

The timeless companionship of wine and wine drinkers only blossoms with age, and hence, they both take immense pride in their birth years to show that they are a class apart.

From a mere association with Gastronomy, wine has come a long way to become a hallmark of class, society, tradition, art and literature. So a big shout-out to all the wine drinkers (new and old) for drinking it in style.

Let’s each uncork a bottle of choice, and see how much we know all about wine.

Wine, Drink, Wine Glass, Red Wine, Alcohol, Seniors

Love the wine you are with

Discovery of a wine is of greater moment than the discovery of a constellation. The universe is too full of stars.”

We shall begin exploring the world of wine by enriching our knowledge of the variants it has to offer. So go ahead and see what suits your taste and personality.

Wine -The Anti Ageing drink

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Studies on health benefits of wine have repeatedly shown that moderate Red wine consumption seems to lower the risk of several diseases, including heart disease. However there’s a fine line between moderate and excessive intake.

There are many types of red wine, which vary in taste and colour. Common varieties include Shiraz, Merlot, Cabernet sauvignon, Pinot noir and Zinfandel.

The alcohol content usually ranges from 12–15%.

Consuming moderate amounts of red wine has shown health benefits. This is mainly due to its high content of powerful antioxidants.

Furthermore, the alcohol in wine is also believed to contribute some of the benefits of moderate wine consumption.


Pour yourself a glass of wine (5 ounce only) and enjoy the health benefits with every sip.